ESP 3004 Tony Snell / Medieval & Latter Day Lays

290 West End Ave, NY NY 10023
Hand written Matrix numbers.

℗ © 1973 by ESP-Disk'
290 West End Avenue, New York, New York 10023
Printed in U.S.A.

All songs except [A4] and [B5] are published by United International Copyright Representatives, Ltd.


Medievel and latter day lays. Thus the original title this amusing album when it came out in late ´60.
24 Page Booklet.

Sort of a one-man folkie version of Flanders and Swann, Tony Snell's Englishman Abroad is a witty collection of solo acoustic songs and parodies on a variety of social topics, from the dryly sardonic stabs at provincialism in the title track, the class warfare of "U and Non U," and the downright silly sick humor of the Tom Lehrer-like "National Park for Diseases." Snell performs most of the songs in a teasing parody of an upper-class accent (again much like Lehrer) and bases even the songs that are not direct folk parodies, such as "San Francisco" and the sympathetic but amusing "Puff the Tragic F*gg*t," on simple, English-style folk tunes, which gives songs like "The Lay of the Last Crusader" and "Hired Knight's Day" a certain frisson of authenticity that makes the satiric lyrics that much more amusing.